Publications and presentations

(+ = equal contribution)

Peer-reviewed articles

Bellavance, S. R., Eads, A., Katson, A., Álvarez Retamales, J., McCollum, A., Mitra, A., & Davidson, L. (2024). Vowel nasalization does not cue ambisyllabicity in American English nasals: Evidence from nasometry. JASA Express Letters, 4(7). [open access link]

Mitra, A., & Dutta, I. (2023). Mixed language processing increases cross-language phonetic transfer in Bengali–English bilinguals. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 26(5), 896–909. [open access link] [project page]

Proceedings (peer-reviewed abstracts)

+Cutler, M., +Mitra, A., Barnard, M., Cojocaru, V., Goebel, J., MacKenzie, L. (in prep). Both (of) the variants show a couple (of) different patterns: Social conditioning of of–variation across multiple linguistic environments. To appear in the Penn Working Papers in Linguistics 31.2

Mitra, A., Krishnaswany, M., & Dutta, I. (2023). Coarticulation and contrast in a vowel harmony system: coarticulatory propensity in Khalkha Mongolian V-C-V sequences. In: R. Skarnitzl, & J. Volín (Eds.) Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences – ICPhS 2023 (pp. 2214-2218). International Phonetic Association. [open access link] [project page]

Conference presentations

+Cutler, M., +Mitra, A., Barnard, M., Cojocaru, V., Goebel, J., MacKenzie, L. Both (of) the variants show a couple (of) different patterns: Social conditioning of of–variation across multiple linguistic environments. Presented at New Ways of Analyzing Variation (NWAV) 52, Miami, November 7-9 2024. [abstract] [slides]

Mitra, A. (2024). Temporal-modal links and the interpretation of tense-aspect in Bangla conditionals. Poster at the Mid-Atlantic Colloquium of Studies in Meaning (MACSIM), University of Maryland, April 6 2024. [poster]

Mitra, A., Krishnaswany, M., & Dutta, I. (2023). Coarticulation and contrast in a vowel harmony system: coarticulatory propensity in Khalkha Mongolian V-C-V sequences. Poster at the International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS), Prague, August 7-11 2023.

Mitra, A. (2023). Uncertainty, time, and modal-aspect interaction in Bangla conditionals. Poster at the LSA Summer Institute, UMass Amherst, June-July 2023. [poster]

Mitra, A., Dutta, I. (2022) Asymmetries in V-to-V coarticulation among harmonic and non-harmonic sequences in Khalkha Mongolian. Poster at Laboratory Phonology 18, virtual, June 23-25 2022. [slides] [presentation]

Mitra, A., Bhaumik, M., Mondal, A., Dutta, I. (2019). Phonetic accommodation in English loanwords in Bengali. Presented at the National Conference on Phonetics: Theoretical Underpinnings and Research Explorations, EFL University, Hyderabad, December 19-20 2019. [slides]

Other talks

“What can follow from what? Time and modality in language”. Talk, Engage, Listen, and Learn (TELL) GSAS, NYU, February 2024. (5-minute research talks for general audience)

“Uncertainty, time, and tense-aspect in indicative conditionals”. NYU Semantics Group, October 2023.

“Flexibility and context in phonetic variation: evidence from bilingual speech”. NYU PEPlab, September 2022. [slides]

“NET…set…go: a workshop on preparing for NET-JRF Linguistics”. Jadavpur University, Kolkata. September 2021. [slides]